Welcome to our Entrepreneurs Café presenting
From Linear to Circular Economy. What happens when you close the circle? Welcome to participate in the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and Young Professionals Entrepreneurs Café on Monday March 27, 2017 to get inspired by Lisen Wirén. Lisen is responsible for social impact globally at Inter IKEA Systems and has the past six years been driving sustainability in different parts of IKEA. She worked in Thailand with human rights for migrant workers, in the global range/supply and until recently her role was Country Sustainability Manager for IKEA Netherlands. Lisen believes is purpose driven organisations and that having sustainability integrated in the heart of the business is the only way forward.
Where does her passion and conviction around sustainability comes from?
Purpose driven business – Creating a better everyday life for the many people
Sustainability in IKEA
Circular economy in IKEA
Closing the loop
How to circular economy can be implemented in your business?
18.30 – 21.00

Swedish Chamber of Commerce company visit to TIE Kinetix in Breukelen on March 16, 2017
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce cordially thanks TIE Kinetix for the very interesting presentations and generous reception of the members of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce to their office in Breukelen.
TIE Kinetix optimizes doing business with local partners, stores and government. The solutions maximize revenue opportunities by minimizing the energy required to market, sell, fulfill and optimize online. TIE Kinetix is a public company and has offices in the United States, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Australia.
Our more than 3,500 customers and 30,000 partner integrations worldwide constantly benefit from innovative, field-tested, stateo-of-the-art technologies, backed by 30 years of experience and prestigious awards. We make technology to perform, so our customers and their partners can focus on their core business.
With FLOW Partner Automation, the world’s first Self Service Partner Automation Platform, TIE Kinetix removes all boundaries and blockers in marketing, sales and fulfillment through partner communities. It enables you and your independent channel and trading partners to seamlessly work together and lets you operate as if you are 1 company. FLOW creates a seamless end user experience and buyers journey by paving the partner-customer journey.

Cyber Security Awareness:
“We Have All Been Hacked”
Thursday February 9, 2017
5.00 pm – 8.00 pm
Venue: CIC Rotterdam
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce thanks Base Cyber Security for inviting the members of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and YP to a very interesting and dynamic cyber security presentation by YP Member Maeson Ethard at their inspirational and innovative office at CIC in Rotterdam.
We live, work and play in cyberspace as we adopt connected technology everywhere. Without knowing, we rely on “good” hackers to protect our privacy, freedom and safety every day.
Maeson Ethard welcomed us to the world of cyber security and introduces us to the good and bad of cyber security. How it can influence global politics or protect human rights – and why companies pay 1,5 million dollars to hack your smart phone. The presentation gave an insight to how vulnerable we really are an increasingly digital world and what we can personally do about it.

The Swedish Chamber Mentorship Program 3: Values and dreams. How does it work in real life?
Guest Speaker: Karin Tenelius, CEO and Founder Tuff Leadership Trainingo
Strategic career planning vs purpose in life?
Without any judgement about what is the right path in working life, this seminar is about the benefits of balancing these two extremes. What is this abstract thing that we name purpose, vocation or calling? How do you find it? Don´t you risk your great career plan for some vague longing? Outcomes will be new ideas and angles on how you chose in life.
Welcome to download Strategic Questions under Program below.

Leadership Identity – Reaching my goals
The theme for this seminar is Leadership Identity – Reaching my goals. We are all leaders and we affect ourselves and our surroundings, both intentionally and unintentionally. The challenge is to develop and increase awareness about what it is that you want to affect, and from that create a vision and goals that colligate with your identity. Questions and discussion topics that will be raised are; How do I describe myself and how do I see myself? Is this how I want to identify myself? If not – what do I want and what can I do about it? What tools do I need in order to reach my vision, my goals and my identity, and what do I need to change?
About the program
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce exclusive Business Woman Program 2017 presents four seminars for the empowering and support of woman business leaders. The seminars are designed to increase and sharpen your leadership skills and to help yourself to a higher level of efficiency, awareness, and success. Moderator is Malin Hedlund, MH Leadership. We welcome the women from the Swedish Chamber, Young Professionals of the Swedish Chamber and their relations with a focus to expand leadership intelligence and strengthen the inner power. You can follow any number of seminars you prefer. If you attend all four, the Swedish Chamber will offer you the last one for free!

Dear Members and Friends of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce,
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce would like to thank all participants for joining the Chamber at the New Year’s Reception hosted by the Ambassador of Sweden H.E. Mr. Per Holmström on January 19, 2017. The Swedish Chamber is looking forward to a fantastic new year with lots of business promotions, company presentations and network possibilities. Welcome to recommend the Swedish Chamber of Commerce to your business realations and we are very pleased to invite them to become a member and to take part in our activities.
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce cordially thanks Ericsson, Inter-IKEA-Systems and NUON for supporting the New Year’s Reception.

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Lucia Dinner & Dance 2016!
Thank you to all participants, contributing companies, and members for making the Annual Lucia celebration 2016 to a great success. A special thanks to Pia and Anders Rengefors, La Cuisine Scandinave, Hotels van Oranje, Handelsbanken and Inter-IKEA-Systems for their fantastic support. And thank you, lovely LAK from Lund, Sweden, for singing Christmas right into our hearts! We would also like to thank Emila Molin, War Child Sweden and Tjipke Bergsma, War Child Nederland for their presence and for sharing the Lucia tradition with us in the Netherlands! It was a great honor to hand over a check on behalf of the Swedish Chamber for the great work of War Child for children in war zones all over the world. Thank you to all contributing members and friends for making this possible.
With this, the Swedish Chamber wishes all members and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we are looking forward to welcoming you to our exciting events next year!