Welcome to meet Lina Stackegård new YP Event Management Trainee
Lina Stackegård recently obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with specialization in marketing, at Lund University. This spring she will act as Event Management Trainee at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and Young Professionals of the Swedish Chamber. Lina is very much looking forward to continue to work with the traditional YP events as well as developing new ones. Furthermore, she aspires to attract new members to Young Professional as well as obtaining and strengthen the current network.
Nordic YP AW in the Hague
On January 22, 2020 the first Nordic YP AW 2020 took place in the Hague. We met at De Fiddler for drinks and "bitterballen" and it was great to meet so many Nordic YP's! The Nordic YP AW was this time organized by the Danish Chamber of Commerce and we would like to thank them for a great event. We would also like to thank all participants who made this evening very special. Keep your eyes open for the next Nordic YP AW in May organized by the Finninsh Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Rotterdam. Theme: European Songfestival! We are looking forward and will keep you updated!
Welcome to the YP Committee Oliver Karlsson!
What would you like to achieve with YP?
As a member of the Young Professionals Committee, I hope to develop my time, effort & knowledge with the community. Additionally, as a former intern of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Young Professionals, I hope to be part of the Committee to help with a continued presence at events and further development of bringing value to our members. I would like to continue my contributions towards the development of this valuable network that I have been lucky enough to be a part of. Therefore, the driving force is to be able to continue my participation through the Young Professionals Committee.
The YP Committee are very pleased to welcome Oliver to the team and we are looking forward to planning many fun and interesting events together!
You can read more about Oliver at "About the YP Committee" on our website.