Past events

Welcome to the Mentorship Program  5

Theme for this evening: 

Business Culture and Networking Skills.

18.30 – 18.45
Evaluation and short update by the participants.
18.45 – 19.45
Guest Speaker Kees van Oosten, TeekensKarstens Notarissen en Advocaten will talk aout Business Culture and Networking Skills including excercises and discussions around this topic.
19.45 – 20.00
Short Break
20.00 – 20.45
Individual talks
Summing up
End of evening

During the whole year the program coach Wilma Buis, Mercuri Urval, will be available for guidance and advice.


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The Winner of the Swedish Chamber Midsummer Cup 2017:

Ed Anning, Iggesund Paperboard, 38p

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce and Svenska Golfklubben i Nederländerna are looking back on a fantastic golf day with lovely weather and lots of sun at Golfbaan De Hoge Dijk on June 10 for Svenska Golfklubbens Midsommarpokal and the Swedish Chamber Midsummer Cup.

Anneke Ohlin och Coliln Williams made the Longest Drive’s ladies and men and were the lucky winners of the great prizes from Volvo Cars Netherlands – a weekend drive with a Volvo of their own choise!  Daniel Björk won the Tweary, Neary’s by Krister Mattsson och Humbert Chow. We counted 5 birdies during the day 2 av Daniel and 1 each by Lennart Larsson,Marcel Damen och Robbert-Jan Molenkamp

At the Prize ceremony on the sunny terrace drinks and snacks were served kindly sponsored by Ericsson.

We cordially thanks our sponsors for the Swedish Chamber Midsummer Cup 2017:
Volvo, Ericsson, Handelsbanken och Scania



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On Tuesday June 6, Young Professionals of the Swedish Chamber invites you to join us for an National Day after work in the sun!  We will meet for a beer/drink at the bar Waterkant from 18.00 – 21.00.



No registration required just come by after work!







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Young Professional’s after work at Afterwork by Heineken at StrandZuid!

On May 18, YP invited their members for an after work at Afterwork by Heineken at StrandZuid on May 18th. Thank you to everyone who came to Young Professionals AW at StrandZuid! Hope to see you at the next Young Professional’s after work on June 6 at Waterkant, to celebrate the Swedish National Day!

Hope to see you at the next Young Professional’s after work on June 6 at Waterkant, to celebrate the Swedish National Day!

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Join the Young Professionals Swedish Chamber of Commerce on the YP Kingsday Boat in Amsterdam April 27, 2017!

Time: 10.00 – 13.00

Price Members + 1: 45 Euro p.p.

Non Members: 55 Euro p.p.


Experience Amsterdam from the water during one of the craziest and most celebrated days in the Netherlands!

YP Exclusive Boat    Most epic way to celebrate King’s Day
Free Bar                     Great Music

Room for 45 people

Book your seat(s) today by clicking on digital registration or send an email to


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Business Empowerment – Act now

The theme for this seminar is Business Empowerment – Act now. Our mindset is an important and powerful tool when it comes to empowering yourself and the business. The mindset can be the difference between success and failure. We need a larger understanding of what our mindset is capable of and how we can use it to act. If we can develop our mindset, we can face our fears and step out of our comfort zones.

About the program

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce exclusive Business Woman Program 2017 presents four seminars for the empowering and support of woman business leaders. The seminars are designed to increase and sharpen your leadership skills and to help yourself to a higher level of efficiency, awareness, and success. Moderator is Malin Hedlund, MH Leadership. We welcome the women from the Swedish Chamber, Young Professionals of the Swedish Chamber and their relations with a focus to expand leadership intelligence and strengthen the inner power. You can follow any number of seminars you prefer. If you attend all four, the Swedish Chamber will offer you the last one for free!

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Welcome to the Mentorship Program  4
Self development. Talents and Reflections

18.30 – 19.45
Excercises and discussions around the Theme for this evening.
19.45 – 20.00
Short Break
20.00 – 20.45
Individual talks
Summing up
End of evening

This program is moderated by Wilma Buis, Mercuri Urval.

During the whole year the program coach Wilma Buis, Mercuri Urval, will be available for guidance and advice.

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On Tuesday April 4 Young Professionals of the Swedish Chamber invites you to join Uppsala Career Tour for an after work. The event will take place at Bar Lou Lou at 19.00.



Generously sponsored by Ernst & Young

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