Past events

When: March 8, 2021

Time: 12.00 – 13.00 CET

How to be a changemaker – Are you curious to know how to impact people and planet in a positive way?

In this Lunch Talk Lisen Wirén, Programme Manager at the IKEA Social Entrepreneurship at Inter IKEA Group will share her thoughts and drive to work with social  entrepreneurship and to contribute to positive change.


IKEA has been collaborating with social businesses since 2012, and currently, the initiative is generating work for more than 30,000 people. Handcrafted collections and products produced in collaborations with social businesses are sold in IKEA stores worldwide. Today, IKEA announces scaling up social entrepreneurship business with the ambition to reach 95,000 jobs by 2025.

For several years, IKEA has been working with social entrepreneurs to create a better everyday life through long-term job opportunities and livelihood for people who need it the most. The social businesses produce unique handcrafted products in order to create financial independence and life-changing opportunities for marginalized groups and women in vulnerable communities. The ability to earn an income also has a direct and positive effect on nearly 150,000 family members of these artisans today.


Opening by Ambassador of Sweden for the Nehterlands, Annika Markovic
Welcome by Kerstin Gerlagh
Opening words by Ambassador of Sweden for the Netherlands, Annika Markovic
Keynote speaker: Lisen Wirén
Iinteractive Discussion and Q&A
End of Webinar



About International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.



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Date: March 2, 2021

Time: 15.00 – 16.30

Where: Digital event


The Swedish Chamber of Commerce is very pleased to invite you to an online training “Stop Motivating Your Employees” together with Swedish Chamber Member company Tuff Leadership Training.

What’s needed for managers to really become involving?

Stop motivating your employees! – A webinar for HR professionals and senior leaders.

Many would say that we’re in midst of a paradigm shift, where we, on a large scale, are moving from more traditional hierarchical top-down ways of working to less hierarchical more bottom-up self-directed or self-managed ways. We see that in all this there is a crucial piece missing, something which gets in the way for things to work well, a piece that we are unaware of. The webinar Stop Motivating Your Employees is about that missing piece.


What to expect:

In the seminar you will discover how you can view leadership and its role in an empowering way that stimulates engagement and adult-adult relationships, and what new skills leaders today need to develop. As well as what it takes to shift working climate to create trust-based culture. Especially when it comes to the impact of the Covid-19 situation on leadership and remote working together.


Tuff Leadership Training is known for training managers so that change really happens. Read our feature article with Co-founder Carl Erik Herlitz here to learn more about their background and vision.





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Did you miss out on the success of YP’s last Virtual Escape Room? This is your opportunity to take part of the fun!

On February 25, 2021 we welcome you to tune in for an hour filled with fun, adventures and challenges — testing your ability to collaborate in order to find clues and escape before time runs out.

The theme for this time is Escaping the 80’s — the most popular escape room according to our organizer — inspired by the prominent 80’s star Simon Richards and his mysterious disappearance after recording the film “REC”.

Immersed in an 80’s workout world, you will be divided into teams and compete against each other by trying to uncover the hidden secrets of Richard’s disappearance and his “REC” film.

Date: 25 February
Time: 19:00-20:30 CET





In November the YP Nordic held a Virtual Escape Room event with young professionals from both Netherlands and the Nordic countries.

It was great fun, challenging and a great way to connect even during a pandemic!

And to brag about all our amazing Young Professionals we have in our network, only 28% playing this game manage to complete the game in time, and we all made it!
A much appreciated event! And we are looking forward to inviting you to an YP event soon again!
Thanks to for the game!
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Date: February 18, 2021
Time: 15.30 –
Zoom Webinar

Which impact will the pandemic situation  have on the Event Industry in 2021? What are the trends and possibilities? How can your business thrive in times of uncertainty? 


The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Finnish, Danish and Norwegian Chambers of Commerce in the Netherlands are very pleased to invite our members to an interactive webinar to discuss upcoming trends and possibilities within the Event industry 2021 together with the event companies Lyytti and MeetApp.


Though the current pandemic situation  forces the event industry to host virtual events in stead of IRL, there are a range of possibilities regarding planning and organising events.  Our experienced speakers will provide you with the insights of the current developments within the event sector. MeetApp will make interactive discussions possible during the session and all participants will be able to engage and share their experiences.


Welcome to join us on February 18, 2021 at 15.30 CET to learn how to pivot your event business during the pandemic.


Click here to sign up


This is a collaboration by the Nordic Chambers of Commerce in the Netherlands:


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When: Tuesday February 16, 2021

Time: 18.00 – 19.30

Where: Zoom webinar

The Swedish practice of “fredagsmys”, or cosy Friday, has become something of a national treasure in Sweden since the early 90ths. A respectable cosy Friday is made up of a number of crucial features: Pre-requisites include a comfy sofa, fluffy clothes, friends and family, board games, and something good to watch on TV. And then there’s the food: crisps, pick’n’mix, cheese puffs, pizza, and last but not least, the all-important tacos! Nobody knows exactly how tacos became the national dish of Sweden, but the fact remains that Swedes and Norwegians eat more tacos than any other Europeans.


On February 16, 2021 we welcome you to join the Young Professionals of the Swedish Chamber in the Netherlands for a fun cook-along followed by taco inspired quiz with a delicious prize sponsored by Santa Maria. Our hosts Gustaf & Benjamin and Jennifer& Hanna will arrange the cook-along in their kitchens and you are welcome to join online and to cook your own favorite taco! Perhaps you will event share your favorite recipe?

In Sweden, tacos are traditionally made using pre-packed taco kits from Santa Maria, even though the conventional filling of heavily spiced ground beef is increasingly being replaced with fish and veggie options.


But a taco night is not just pure joy. Ever since its entry to the list of favorite dishes in Sweden, tacos have caused wild debates about what topping should be on a taco putting the “Fredagsmys” at risk…

One of our hosts are not an exception.
“A tacos without corn is like Amsterdam without canals, totally useless” – Benjamin 
Do you have any musts for you taco? Share them during our cook-along!


We will end Taco Tuesday with a fun taco-inspired quiz with a great Taco Kit Prize sponsored by Santa Maria.


Here are a few recipes to get inspired:

Chicken Quesadillas









Veggie Mango Fajita






Shop your favorite ingredients and tune in for YP Taco cook-along on Tuesday February 16!


Registration Fee: Free of charge


Taco Tuesday with YP is sponsored by:









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On January 26, 2021 The Swedish Chamber of Commerce was very pleased to welcome Marianne Hamilton to discuss her book Advice to my dear daughter, and gender diversity together with an expert panel Ruth de Jager Peter Møllgaard, R. Ruben Brunsveld Marianne Hamilton moderated by Viveka Andersson. Thanks also to our partner Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Sweden for the great collaboration.



Today gender diversity and inclusiveness are on top of the agenda for many governments and companies. Within the EU probably all. But what do we mean?  Is it about percentages? Or output? When are we satisfied? How do we measure?  What is on the agenda for the youth of today’s? Why are companies so slow in getting equality in place? Or are they not?


We were very pleased to welcome Marianne Hamilton for an interview with Swe-Cham Member Viveka Andersson and to invite to an interactive Panel discussion together with Marianne and our pannelists Ruth de Jager, Country Manager, Storytel, Ruben Brunsveld, Sr. Advisor at Enact Sustainable Strategies and Peter Møllgaard,  Dean at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics and Professor of Industrial Organization about how far have we come with corporate gender diversity and what still needs to be done?


Read the Key take aways from the Moderator:

“Key take away from the webinar, besides Marianne’s 46 pieces of advice, was that gender diversity and inclusion are complex questions that still cause lots of frustration, primarily as we lose out on so much competence and creativity that it would bring on. There is still a long way to go but by having a positive mindset we untapped some keys that will make a difference as the discussion revealed a number of concret:e examples and initiatives that have and will contribute to real change. We need to further elaborate the topic and look forward to doing that in the close future.“  Viveka Andersson 


Video recording of the webinar available on demand at


Marianne was Atlas Copco’s Senior Vice President, Organizational Development and Management Resources for sixteen years. She has extensive board experience from sitting on multiple corporate boards. Her ground-breaking introduction at Atlas Copco of an internal global job market, where everyone was welcome to apply for open positions, led to a unique opportunity to improve the organisation and make its corporate culture even stronger. This internal job market concept has subsequently been copied by several world-leading companies.  Marianne has a strong faith in the individual. In her book Advice To My Dear Daughter, which was released in Dutch this year, she gives her own very personal advice to women aiming for top executive positions who want to grow professionally. Her thoughts and ideas provide pragmatic, down-to-earth guidance for women to take charge of their careers and thrive.



Advice to My Dear Daughter

Advice to My Dear Daughter is written for young women who have just started their business careers. The target group are strong, professional women who want to understand the corporate world. The utmost objective with the book is that more women will reach top management positions where they have the power to change things in accordance with their own values. To have more companies with diversity in their management teams and that are delivering sustainable profitable growth.

In the book the reader gets 46 pragmatic advice. The most basic is that the woman must put her mind on achieving results. She should not be egocentric but result orientated. She should move from “Did I do a great presentation?” to “What impact did my presentation have?”  The book is based on Hamilton’s own experiences. It focuses on what a woman can do, but also on how she can do it. It gives guidance on how to ‘read’ and manage a certain a certain situation, not on the obstacles.

Marianne Hamilton strongly believes in the power of the individual. The woman herself is the only one who really knows her potential. Her own judgement is much more important than the judgment of other people. “Yes, I did it!” is much more worth than “Excellent, my girl!” The 46 advice cover various situations from understanding the individual’s role in the organization, to the steering of a business, the vision, strategy, and company processes. The more a woman understands the better she can navigate and deliver results. The advice also guides the woman on how she can become a leader, but even more, how she can become the manager of a business.

In the book Hamilton stresses that, while pursuing a career, the woman must have a good life, which is not necessarily meaning having a balance. A professional life is typically a bumpy journey, the woman must be prepared and organize herself accordingly. Doing this, she can also have a welcoming home, a family, friends, and lots of fun.






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Electrification of Transport – Are we ready to take charge of the future?


On January 13, 2021 the Swedish Chamber of Commerce was very proud to host Johan Uhlin Managing Director  Scania Production Zwolle B.V. and Janko van der Baan Managing Director Scania Benelux | Management Team Scania Belgium NV-SA | Scania Nederland BV | Scania Luxembourg SA for a webinar on the Electrification of Transport. The electrification of transport is an important step for a more sustainable world.  A successful industry transition depends on a delicate balance between both environmental and business sustainability, as well as maturity in technology and infrastructure. A balance best achieved together with producers, customers, and partners in energy and infrastructure. Electrification of the heavy commercial truck fleet is decisive in reaching the Paris Agreement target of limiting global warming to well below 2°C.  E-vehicles will therefore increasingly be an attractive option.

We would like to thank Janko van der Baan for his highly interesting presentation and all guests for their active participation and questions, making this Roud table webinar to a huge success.


Conclusions by Janko van der Baan

  • Sustainability is essential for our future business
  • Connectivity plays an important role in efficient transport
  • Energy efficiency can also be achieved with here and now solutions
  • Here and now energy is the transition to a sustainable future
  • Scania takes its responsibility into the sustainable future



On September 15, 2020 Scania launched its first range of electric trucks. The high-performance plug-in hybrid and fully electric trucks initially focus on urban applications.






Keynote Speakers:

Johan Uhlin Managing Director  Scania Production Zwolle B.V.

Janko van der Baan Managing Director Scania Benelux | Management Team
Scania Belgium NV-SA | Scania Nederland BV | Scania Luxembourg SA



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