to be held on Tuesday, June 30, 2020AGM from 10.00 10.30
Address by the H.E. Ambassador of Sweden Mrs. Annika Markovic and
Panel discussion about how the COVID-19 pandemic has effected business and the expectations looking forward o.a. Johan Uhlin, Scania Production, Annika Hult, Stena Line, Ehsan Turabaz, Inter IKEA Systems
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce is very pleased to invite you to our 60th Annual General Meeting. The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting will take place online and will be held with an adjusted and shortened agenda and is followed by an address by H.E. Ambassador or Sweden Mrs Annika Markovic and a panel discussion by some of our leading Swedish businesses about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and their expectations for the near future.
Like in other years, the 2020 AGM is an important moment for the association. We therefore make a warm appeal to all Members to join us online on June 30, 2020..
We kindly request all Members to register in advance. You are welcome to register digitally on our website or by sending an email to if you plan to attend. All meeting details will be sent to you in advance.
During the AGM, the Members present will be asked to approve the Minutes of last year’s AGM as well as the Financial Statements of 2019 and elect the Members of the Board. As we will be working with a modified voting procedure, we ask all Members to submit questions or comments with regard to the issues on our agenda in advance as much as possible – by email to Instead of asking for approval by a raise of hands, we will include a small timeslot for Members to react via Chat. If no comments or objections come in, the topic at hand will be considered approved.
We look forward to welcoming you on June 30, 2020 at our AGM Zoom meeting.