Insightful event on the state of Brand Sweden

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What do we love about Sweden? What factors contribute to the Swedish nation brand consistently achieving top global rankings? What impact does international news have on the image of Sweden? We had a great time exploring these questions yesterday at the seminar “Has the world fallen out of love with the Swedish brand?”, hosted by Swedish Chamber Patron Member Up There Everywhere in Stockholm.

As we discussed Sweden’s enduring global reputation, it became evident that Sweden boasts a resilient and powerful nation brand, deeply rooted in sustainability, innovation, trust, tech, and gender equality.

We would like to thank Up There Everywhere, and CEO Lawrence Masle in particular, for organizing such an insightful event covering topics such as branding, media portrayals, global rankings, and the economy regarding the global image of Sweden as a nation. We would also like to thank the excellent moderator Maddy Savage, and the panellists Julian Stubbs, Lin Lerpold, Sofia Bard, Jaani Heinonen, Patrik Andersson and Nils Persson for sharing their valuable perspectives as researchers, brand and marketing experts, academics, developers, and political scientists.

Stay tuned for the seminar screening which will published on our website next week! Click here to dive deeper into the topic now, through an interesting article on the topic from Julian Stubbs at Up There Everywhere.

From the left: Kerstin Gerlagh, General Manager at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands, Lawrence Masle, CEO at Up There Everywhere, and Tord Magnuson, Swedish business executive. 
