Meet Andrea Orsag, speaker at Clothes Swap April 25th

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We are very proud to present Andrea Orsag, Circular Economy & Sustainability Evangelist, as the keynote speaker for the Young Professionals Clothes Swap event on April 25, in collaboration with Edge Workspaces! Andrea will give an inspirational presentation on sustainable fashion.

Andrea is the founder of MissionC, a strategy advisory based in Amsterdam on a mission to accelerate the sustainability transition on a global scale through circular economy and embedding ESG factors. She is also an advisor helping organisations bring ideas to life by refining sustainability strategies, adjusting business models, delivering programs and engaging stakeholders.

The event also includes a Clothes Swap Market offering unisex, male, and female clothing suitable for spring and office wear, professional styling and mingling with music and drinks. Welcome to this dynamic after-work event hosted by the Young Professionals of the Swedish Chamber and Edge Workspaces!

Learn more about Andrea’s background and sign up for the event HERE!
