Welcome Alexander Ljungström, new Chairman of the Young Professional committee

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The Young Professionals of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce is very pleased to welcome Alexander Ljungström as the new chairman member of the Young Professionals committee.

”As the chairperson, I’d like to actively develop the ecosystem between young talent, the Swedish and Dutch market, as well as a strong sense of membership community. Especially important during 2024/2025 will be to promote a stronger support and peer network between YP members and esteemed members/companies of the Swedish Chamber. Additionally, I’m looking forward to intentionally designing attractive events and creating an inspirational career/network platform together with the rest of the committee.”

He adds, ”The Swedish and Dutch ecosystems have a long business history dating back hundreds of years, and I believe it starts with young talent and innovative minds. I think tomorrow’s leaders are shaped and formed in forums of like-minded people. This is why I joined the committee a couple of years back. Becoming the chairperson is the next natural step in that journey, and I get the chance to co-work with the Swedish Chamber and member companies to make Young Professionals even more mission-driven.”

Alexander encourages joining Young Professionals, stating, ” Young Professionals is truly a unique and one-of-a-kind platform in the Netherlands. For anybody who has a connection to Sweden, the Swedish Market, or the Swedish language and is hungry for career growth, it provides a unique opportunity for learning and networking. Additionally, YP is hosting a lot of social events, which is great when you recently moved to Amsterdam. I’ve already created friends for life!”


Read more about Alexander and the Young Professionals committee here.
