Swedish Chamber welcomes SSAB as Patron Members!

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The Swedish Chamber is excited to give a warm welcome to SSAB as a new Patron member of the Swedish-Dutch Business Network! SSAB is a Nordic and US-based steel company that builds a stronger, lighter and more sustainable world through value-added steel products and services. Working with our partners, SSAB has developed SSAB Fossil-free™ steel and plans to reinvent the value chain from the mine to the end customer, largely eliminating carbon dioxide emissions from our own operations. SSAB Zero™, a large carbon emission-free steel based on recycled steel, further strengthens SSAB’s leadership position and our comprehensive, sustainable offering independent of the raw material. SSAB has employees in over 50 countries and production facilities in Sweden, Finland and the US. SSAB is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and has a secondary listing on Nasdaq Helsinki.

Click here to learn more about SSAB, and here to read about the Swedish Chamber Patron membership.

The Swedish Chamber is very proud to welcome SSAB and we are looking forward to future collaborations!
