Saab, the main sponsor for the Sustainability & Innovation Summit

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The Swedish Chamber of Commerce proudly presents Saab Netherlands as the main sponsor for the Swedish Chamber Sustainability & Innovation Summit “Driving the Green Transition Together” on December 15, 2023. At the Sustainable & Innovation Summit, you will meet businesses actively implementing substantial and impactful changes in their operations, observing the disruption of conventional business models. Collaboration between politicians, policymakers, and corporate entities creates an environment where innovative ideas emerge shaping the course of our future.

”An important element to reach our targets is R&D, which in the long run, is Saab’s most important contribution to sustainable development. Through industrial cooperation, transfer of technology, and university partnerships, Saab enables economic growth and industrial development. To give new ideas a chance we have created Saab’s Climate Fund, which promotes the development of sustainable innovations, tipping the scales for projects that otherwise may not be executed. The fund is allocated to environmentally conscious innovations ranging from improvements of existing products to the development of completely new products and services geared towards reduced climate impact. Innovation starts with a problem that requires a solution. This result-oriented approach has already led to multiple products with less environmental footprint than their alternatives” says Jan Terlouw, Country Manager of Saab Netherlands, and head of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Sustainability Committee.

Following the Summit is the Swedish Chamber Flagship Event, the Annual Lucia Dinner takes place, a fantastic networking dinner including the Business Award Ceremony, Swedish entertainment, and a traditional Lucia Procession.

Read more about the event and book your seats here.
