Global Business Climate Survey 2024 – Standing firm in shifting sand

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The Global Business Climate Survey 2024 reveals that Swedish companies, despite increasing challenges in the global market, maintain their ability and continue to perform well internationally.

Positive Outlook Amid Challenging Times

Swedish companies operating globally are less optimistic about the current business climate compared to the previous year. Demand for goods and services has weakened over the past year, and the global economy is slowing down. Despite this reduced optimism, the outlook remains relatively positive in most markets.

Over 1,700 Swedish companies participated in this year’s survey, responding to questions about the local business climate in 24 different markets for their global sales.

“The survey shows that Swedish companies have managed to navigate well and adapt to geopolitics, war, conflict, and international recession,” said Jan Larsson, CEO of Business Sweden, in a press release.

Click here to Read the Global Business Climate Report and watch the Launch video.
