Business Climate Survey 2024 in the Netherlands

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At the heart of Europe, the Netherlands is a key springboard for Swedish companies in their international expansion.

The political ties between Sweden and the Netherlands remain robust, and the like-mindedness between the countries in the EU is striking. The Netherlands solidified its position as Sweden’s seventh-largest trading partner in 2023, with exports of goods exceeding 115 billion SEK.

Swedish companies in the Dutch market have shown resilience. Despite a slight decline in profitability and increased losses since 2022, their financial performance in the Netherlands stabilised in 2024.

Swedish companies remain optimistic about the future: 72% of respondents expect industry turnover to increase, and over half of Swedish respondents consider increasing investments in the Netherlands.

As seen throughout this report, sustainability is a key priority in the Netherlands. This trend has not gone unnoticed by Swedish companies in the market, with 73 per cent of respondents confirming that customers in the Netherlands consider environmental aspects when making purchasing decisions.

The view of the Swedish brand is still positive but is losing significance year by year. This is not necessarily negative, and the report gives some ideas of the reasons why the importance of the Swedish brand is declining.


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