Date: March 22, 2021
Time: 14.45 – 16.00
The Future of Retail E-Commerce
“The word Retail will not exist in a few years from now” said Paul Martin yesterday during the Swedish Chamber webinar on The Future of Retail E-Commerce. In collaboration with Chambre de Commerce Suedoise en France and Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia key speakers were sharing their insights on how retail will change in the coming years. The latest aspects about what the future of retail e-commerce will entail and the role of physical stores versus retail e-commerce.
Will retail become obsolete in a few years and transit into consumer commerce and has ‘home become the new hub’? How to move forward and also what should companies be prepared for when new VAT rules start to apply in July 2021? The webinar has been recorded and the replay will soon be available on our website. The Swedish Chamber of Commerce would like to thank our accomplished speakers Paul Martin, KPMG, Paul de Jong, IKEA Nederland, Wilko Klaassen, Klarna and Elène Siem, KPMG and our inspiring moderator Mark Ogertschnig for sharing their expertise and experience.
We thank all participants for joining us at this interesting and inspiring webinar and welcome anyone to join us again for our future webinars. Sign up to our digital newsletter, like our social media and visit our website for future webinars and upcoming events.”
This webinar was organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands in collaboration with Chambre de Commerce Suédoise en France and Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia.
Participation Fee
This webinar is offered free of charge.
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If you are a member of the Chambre de Commerce Suédoise en France, please register as Guest and add "CCSF" after "Name of Company".
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The Swedish Chamber of Commerce would like to thank all participants for contributing to the success of the Swedish Chamber Patron Dinner on November 22, 2016. We cordially thank H.E. Ambassador of Sweden and Honorary Chairman of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Mr. Per Holmström for hosting the Patron Dinner 2016 and Mr. Jeroen van der Veer, ING Keynote speaker and Honorary Guest, for sharing his experiences and introducing the Round Table discussions.
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