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Flower wreaths, dancing, and sun that never sets – Midsummer is a too important occasion to miss out on. Therefore, the Young Professionals of the Swedish Chamber invites you to an early Midsummer celebration at Strandzuid Amsterdam on June 15, 2022, together with us! It is also our last YP Event before the summer – don’t miss out by signing up today!

Welcome to join us at Strandzuid, an easygoing waterside hangout with outdoor seating offering global dishes, finger foods & cocktails. The Young Professionals of the Swedish Chamber are looking forward to seeing you there!

Sign up for the event before June 12, 2022. We are excited to welcome all YP members and looking forward to seeing you there!

YP Membership
Are you under the age of 36 and want to be a part of a Swedish-Dutch network? If so, welcome to take the opportunity of becoming a young professional member of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands. The YP of the Swedish Chamber helps future business leaders to accelerate personal and professional growth, as well as extend their networks across the Swedish-Dutch business community.

Welcome to sign up for the upcoming YP After Work by clicking HERE.
