Thank you to Swedish Chamber Interns Spring 2020
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce would like to thank Josefina Lund, Linn Hodell and Lina Stackegård for their outstanding commitment and contribution to the Swedish Chambers activities during this extra ordinary and challenging spring with COVID-19 changing everything for us all.
Due to the circumstances they had to adapt to working from home from one day to another and the Swedish Chamber is very impressed and grateful for the great work they have all been doing to transferring the Chamber's activities from life personal to digital and to monitor news and information in the Chambers Newsletters as well as on the Chambers social media channels. We wish Josefina, and Lina lots of success with their upcoming assignments and hope to meet again soon in Amsterdam or in Sweden.
Swedish Chamber of Commerce AGM June 30, 2020
Invitation to the Swedish Chamber of Commerce 60th Annual General Meeting
- Zoom Meeting-
to be held on Tuesday, June 30, 2020AGM from 10.00 10.30
10.30 - 11.15
Address by the H.E. Ambassador of Sweden Mrs. Annika Markovic and
Panel discussion about how the COVID-19 pandemic has effected business and the expectations looking forward o.a. Johan Uhlin, Scania Production, Annika Hult, Stena Line, Ehsan Turabaz, Inter IKEA Systems
Dear Members,
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce is very pleased to invite you to our 60th Annual General Meeting. The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting will take place online and will be held with an adjusted and shortened agenda and is followed by an address by H.E. Ambassador or Sweden Mrs Annika Markovic and a panel discussion by some of our leading Swedish businesses about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and their expectations for the near future.
for all documents to our forthcoming AGM available on our website: :
You will find the Swedish Chamber Financial Statements & Review Report in 9
Like in other years, the 2020 AGM is an important moment for the association. We therefore make a warm appeal to all Members to join us online on June 30, 2020..
We kindly request all Members to register in advance. You are welcome to register digitally on our website or by sending an email to if you plan to attend. All meeting details will be sent to you in advance.
Voting Procedure
During the AGM, the Members present will be asked to approve the Minutes of last year's AGM as well as the Financial Statements of 2019 and elect the Members of the Board. As we will be working with a modified voting procedure, we ask all Members to submit questions or comments with regard to the issues on our agenda in advance as much as possible - by email to . Instead of asking for approval by a raise of hands, we will include a small timeslot for Members to react via Chat. If no comments or objections come in, the topic at hand will be considered approved.
We look forward to welcoming you on June 30, 2020 at our AGM Zoom meeting.
MH Leadership – blog post May 28, about having a positive mindset
On June 9, we will host the second Women Business Leadership Program together with Malin Hedlund, MH Leadership. Read Malin's latest Blog post from May 28, 2020 about having a positive mindset to bring energy to your day.
Sign up for Women Business Leadership Program, June 9:
Women Business Leadership Program – MH Leadership latest blog post
On June 9, we will host the second Women Business Leadership Program together with Malin Hedlund, MH Leadership. Read Malin's latest Blog post from May 14, 2020 here with more motivation for the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Business Woman Leadership Program.
NordicCE2020 Webinar, May 25 – From plan to action: Green Recovery or going back to “Normal”?
Thank you to everyone who participated and engaged in yesterday’s Webinar about From plan to action: Green Recovery or going back to “Normal”?
A special thanks to the fantastic speakers for sharing their insights and their strategies on how to move forward.
Yesterday’s third and last webinar in the NordicCE2020 -What’s next series is summed up by following key takeaways:
- Despite the challenging times of COVID-19 and related economic decline, we need tool ensure that the recovery on the EU level is focused on advancing digital and sustainable transition
- European Commission is aware that it has a big role to play creating regulatory framework enabling such transition, building more resilient European Union that can be prosperous and reach its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050
- The European Commission is busy putting together a plan to help the EU economy recover from the COVID-19 crisis and its release is planned for 27th May. It will also include various financial instruments, social tools and employment boost programs
- Green Deal will play an important role in the economic recovery. Farm to Fork strategy aiming on making the the food system more healthy and sustainable as well as strategy to protect biodiversity have been launched last week and Circular Economy Action plan already in March 2020
- The Nordic ambassadors presented their respective country’s strategies and initiatives such as updated roadmap towards Circular Economy in Finland, commitment to electrification and product design in Norway, Circular Economy policy in Sweden and building two large green energy islands in Denmark
- The recovery and shaping the green future based on renewable energy and circular economy is not limited by the EU borders, collaboration among nations is needed to ensure a thriving planet for us all
Office closed, Thursday May 21
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce will be closed on Ascension Day Thursday, 21 May, 2020
NordicCE2020 Webinar, May 11 – What is the role of Circular Economy in the post Covid-19 world?
Thank you to everyone who participated and engaged in yesterday’s Webinar about “What is the role of Circular Economy in the post Covid-19 world?”.
A special thanks to the fantastic speakers for sharing their insights and their strategies on how to move forward.
Here are some concluding sentences from Moderator Andrea Orsag to sum up yesterday’s Webinar:
– The only way forward for Europe if we want to ensure a liveable inclusive future is a Green Recovery based on supporting businesses and initiatives helping to lower emissions and creating more equal society for all – with the use of technology, digitalisation and green strategies.
– Role of Circular Economy is even more important now than ever since it can help businesses to future proof their strategy, engage stakeholders including the customers in new ways while better capturing the value of resources: design for longevity, repairs, modularity and sharing.
– We need leadership – on European, country and local level to collaborate and cooperate, build on what works, scale the solutions and take action NOW.
- Taxing rules and the redistribution of subsidies needs to change - to increase the value of resources, motivating the reuse and preventing waste and pollution
– There needs to be a new narrative and story to give direction to the possible future we strive for, why it matters and how everyone is a very important part of it: System Change, Business Change and also staying true to the personal values and acting on them.
The photo shows the speakers;
Harald Friedl, Global leader on Circular Economy and Systems Change | COP 26 Global Climate Champion Team | Adviser to Circle Economy
Freek van Eijk, Director Holland Circular Hotspot
Marthe Haugland, Senior Innovation Advisor Nordic Innovation
Cathrine Barth, Co-Founder CircularNorway
Moderator Andrea Orsag, Founder MissionC
The photo is showing the result of a poll that was answered by the audience of the Webinar, May 11.
Welcome to join the next webinars on NordicCE2020-What's Next on May 18 and May 25. Please visit our event site for more information
On behalf of the organisation partners:
Swedish Chamber Annual Review 2019
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce is very proud to present our Annual Review 2019 which are sent to all our members this week and will be published on our website within short.
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce welcomes all members to the Anual General Meeting to be held on June 30, 2020. Time: 10.00 Venue: Swedish Chamber of Commerce Fred. Rosekestraat 115 1076 EE Amsterdam