
Congratulations Vattenfall to the Swedish Chamber Achievement Award 2019
Press Release Swedish Chamber Achievement  Award nomination and jury report – Vattenfall  December 2019 The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors have the pleasure to after careful consideration to Award Vattenfall with the Swedish Chamber Achievement Award 2019. For more than 100 years Vattenfall has powered industries, supplied energy to people's homes and modernized the way our customers live through innovation and cooperation. Today their aim is to make fossil free living possible within one generation and therefore driving the transition to a more sustainable energy system through growth in renewable production and climate smart energy solutions for their customers.  Fossil fuels will be phased out within one generation, and we are continuing on our path towards a complete phase-out of coal in our heat production by 2030. Customer centricity and sustainability are key for us in attracting customers, talent and investors. Customers are increasingly considering climate impact, social and environmental performance, and energy efficiency when choosing energy solutions and suppliers. Innovative energy sharing platforms will enable customers to sell and purchase renewable electricity. With reference to branding Sweden; Vattenfall has done an excellent job during the last year not only changing their name international to the Swedish Vattenfall (waterfall but also by their new logo embracing the Swedish values. The colours are about showing confidence, transparency and leadership. Inspired by our heritage and the Nordic nature they are used scarcely, leading with white as the leading colour to provide air and space as well as allowing the eye to focus on what is important.  Through the Swedish oriented TV commercials in 2019 they have contributed to promoting Sweden and Swedish values such as sustainability, responsibility, care, leadership and innovation. Amsterdam 12/2019   Photos by Hanne Hansens Photography
Carola Hoekstra new CEO at Stromma Nederland
Carola Hoekstra starts December 1 as CEO of Stromma Nederland.  Stromma mention in an email statement that thanks to her extensive experience in the tourism and travel industry and international expertise, she is the ideal candidate. With her charismatic leadership and infectious drive, she is the right person to further determine our course. After nineteen years of being booted from Stromma Netherlands, Peter Duwel now transfers the helm.
Martijn Hagens new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Operation Officer (COO) of Vattenfall in the Netherlands.
Martijn Hagens (1971) has been a member of the Management Board since 2014 and is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Operation Officer (COO) of Vattenfall in the Netherlands. He joined Nuon in 2003 and has held various management roles at the company. Since 2009, he has also worked at Vattenfall AB. He has been a member of Vattenfall's Executive Group Management since 2015 and at present holds the position of Senior Vice-President, Customers & Solutions Vattenfall. Before working for Vattenfall, Martijn Hagens held a management position at Accenture. Martijn Hagens is a Dutch citizen.     Text from here:
November 26, Business Woman Program
One November 26,  the fourth and final Business Woman Program with Malin Hedlund from MH Leadership took place at Epicenter. The Swedish Chamber of Commerce would like to thank all the participants who joined for one, two, three or all of the workshops this year. We hope you will have a lot of use with the tools you have gained! A special thank you to Malin Hedlund for her great contributions during the program! It was truly a pleasure having you coaching us!
In Memory of Honoary Member Mr. Clas Ivar Bertilsson Shultz
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce is very sad to have to inform you that our Honorary Member Mr. Clas Ivar Bertilsson Schultz has passed away on November 24, 2019 in the age of 93 years old. Mr. Schultz, was old Director of Ericsson Telefoonmaatschapppij and Officer in de Orde van Oranje – Nassau. He has been a member of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce since the very early years of the Chamber and served as Chairman and has been a very active and committed Honorary member until just about a year ago. Our deepest condolences to his wife Gunilla, children and grandchildren.
“What´s New” – Robotics and IP
On November 12, 2019, we had our second "What´s New", a collaboration with TeekensKarstens TK Tech and Epicenter Amsterdam.   The Swedish Chamber of Commerce were very pleased to welcome Lex Keukens from TK Tech giving a very interesting presentation about Robotics and Intellectual Property. Thank you for a great and knowledgable afternoon!    
International Trade Scholar – Ansökan är öppen!
Ansökan Stipendiefonden för Svensk Utlandsungdom International Trade Scholarship 20 juni 2020 – 20 juni 2021 Please note that this scholarship can only be applied for by Swedish nationals which is why the information is only provided in Swedish. Stipendiefonden för Svensk Utlandsungdom lämnar ett stipendium till Svenska Handelskammaren i Nederländerna för att utbilda unga, kreativa affärsbegåvningar inom internationell handel och industri. Som stipendiat kommer du huvudsakligen arbeta inom följande områden: events, management, marknadsföring, kommunikation, medlemskapsrekrytering samt medlemskapsretention. Du kommer även delta i att driva kammarens underorganisation Young Professionals (YP). Detta genom att tillhandahålla kontaktskapande aktiviteter och seminarier. Inom ramarna för YP bedrivs både entreprenörskaps- och ledarskapsforum med syftet att utbilda unga framåtsträvande personer genom erfarenhetsutbyten och nätverkande. Svenska Handelskammaren i Nederländerna sitter på Epicenter Amsterdam. Epicenter är ett Digital House of Innovation som idag finns i Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, New York och i Amsterdam. På Epicenter möts lokala och internationella företag samt entreprenörer för att samarbeta, utbyta erfarenheter, lära och utveckla sina företag. Stipendiaten kommer att arbeta med att utveckla samarbetet mellan Svenska Handelskammaren och Epicenter Amsterdam till nytta för kammarens medlemmar i alla avsikter inom de områden som angetts ovan. Den som söker skall:
  • Vara initiativrik och ha visat prov på entreprenörsanda.
  • Bör ha avslutat sin utbildning på högskola eller universitet, gärna med inriktning på ekonomi.
  • Besitta mycket goda kunskaper att formulera sig i tal och skrift i både engelska och svenska.
  • För att kunna söka stipendiet ska du nyligen ha avslutat studier på kandidat eller magisternivå på ett svenskt universitet eller högskola.
  Stipendiesumman uppgår till 190.000 kronor och utdelning sker två gånger om året för tolv månaders tjänstgöring på Handelskammaren i Nederländerna. Ansökningsbrev samt CV skickas till: Kerstin Gerlagh, Managing Director på Svenska Handelskammaren i Nederländerna, Sista ansökningsdatum: 20 januari 2020 Vid frågor, vänligen kontakta Kerstin Gerlagh på telefon eller mail: +31(0)203203226
Welcome Mr. Bernie van Leeuwen, new Managing Director at SKF
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce is very pleased to welcome Mr. Bernie van Leeuwen, Managing Director, SKF Netherlands B.V. to our business community and as a Patron member of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce. SKF Netherlands has also moved to a new premisses and their new address is Meidoornkade 14, 3992 AE Houten.
