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The Swedish Chamber of Commerce and Young Professionals Mentorship Program is a 6-month program consisting of 4 mandatory Seminars and workshops, including a final evaluating and closing meeting. The Swedish Chamber of Commerce and Young Professionals Mentorship Program was launched in October 2012. It strives to provide participants with the opportunity to grow in their careers and to enrich their personal developments by exchanging experiences, views, and knowledge. By utilizing the Chamber’s extensive network of international business leaders, the program offers Young Professionals a unique Mentor experience.

The Program
The highly successful program includes one-to-one sessions, seminars, and workshops. It is designed for Young Professionals between 25 and 36 years old with high ambitions to develop and grow. The ideal Mentee has a few years of work experience and knowledge of managing and executing projects.

One-on-one Meetings
One-on-one meetings are encouraged to take place once every six weeks, offering opportunities for in-depth discussions while creating strong personal bonds. There will also be a possibility for personal meetings one-on-one at the seminars and workshops.

Seminars and Workshops
4 mandatory seminars and workshops are scheduled throughout the year to guide you through the Mentorship Program, and to help you reach your goal for personal growth and development, as well as to share experiences and insights with others and building on your business network.

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce and Young Professionals Mentorship Program is open to all members and encourages both mentors and mentees to register.

With this program, MercuriUrval and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, in co-operation, is supporting the next generation’s leaders by connecting Mentees from the Young Professionals with mentors from the Chamber’s extensive network of international leaders.

What makes the difference between a career that thrives and one that stalls? For many in the business world, it’s a mentor. In addition to helping you define your professional development path, a mentor an help you deal with the everyday concerns in the daily job life. While one should never blindly follow in the footsteps of others, the lessons learned from others’ experiences and missteps, can prove invaluable.

The Mentor/Mentee couples will be selected carefully according to the application forms by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in close co-operation with the Program Leader. After mentors are paired up with mentees both Mentors and Mentees are participating at the four scheduled Workshops and Seminars throughout the year both as individuals and as a couple. At these Seminars and Workshops, time has also been included for one-to-one meetings between the Mentor and the Mentee.

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce and Young Professionals Mentorship Program is a 6-month program consisting of 4 mandatory Seminars and Workshops including a final evaluating and closing meeting. In between the mandatory meetings the participants are encouraged to plan one-to-one meetings in person or via Skype.

During the whole year, you will learn about the benefits of having a Mentor or being the Mentor to a Mentee and how to get the most out of a Mentorship relation. You will also build on your (business) network within the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and get to know and share ideas with other members both from the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and YP Young Professionals.

The Participation Fee for Mentors and Mentees for the Mentorship Program 2018-2019 including  4 Seminars/Workshops, Workshop Material and final dinner Euro 30.00 p.p. to be transferred to the Swedish Chamber of Commerce before the start of the Mentorship Program October 23, 2018.


The Mentorship Program 2018-2019 is approaching, but there is still time to register as a Mentor or a Mentee! Below we have listed some of the confirmed Mentors for the upcoming year’s program. More Mentors will be announced.

Wilma Buis, Program Coach of the Mentorship Program and Managing Director at Mercuri Urval
Everth Flores, VP/GM Country Manager The Netherlands at Ericsson
Remy Steijger, Chief Operating Officer and Co-founder at Digital Captains
Roland van Pooij, COO Handelsbanken the Netherlands
Rüdiger Müller, Head of Economy Handelsbanken the Netherlands
Luuk Nooter, Head of Products Handelsbanken the Netherlands
Sandra van de Zijpp, Management Consultant Mercuri Urval
Camilla Degerth, Camilla Degerth
Ed Reichman, Managing Consultant, and Founder Reiyd
Hendrik Jan Guitink, Partner AIMS International-Netherlands B.V.


ind our brochure including application form by clicking on Programme below!


Application will be open from 6th of August 2018.

This Program is made possible by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and Mercuri Urval sponsored by
Inter IKEA Systems.




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The Swedish Chamber of Commerce,  Finnish Dutch Chamber of Commerce, Norwegian Dutch Chamber of Commerce, and Danish Dutch Business Club would like to welcome you to this year’s #NordicTalks Diversity Summit on October 11!

This summit will interactively discuss the questions below from the Diversity perspective. Diversity meaning understanding, accepting, and valuing differences between people including those of different races, ethnicities, genders, ages, religions, disabilities, and sexual orientations as well as with differences in education, personalities, skill sets, experiences, and knowledge bases.


  • Diverse and inclusive companies have a better competitive edge.
  • Diversity often means higher financial performance.
  • Diversity and inclusion bridge the talent gap.
  • Diverse and inclusive organizations have increased adaptability.
  • Diversity and inclusion promote creativity and innovation.


What does it take to work actively with diversity & inclusion strategies and why does it matter? How do some of our leading Nordic companies work with their Diversity Strategies and what can we learn from each other?



Time: 16.00-19.45

16.00 Registration
16.30 Welcome
16.35 Introductory remarks by the Nordic Ambassadors
16.45 Keynote speaker Erna Versteegden
17.08 Fireside! Lena Herder, IKEA Netherlands + Caroline van Nieuwkerk, ISS Denmark
17.38 Break
17.48 Fireside! Lotta Gunnarsson, + Wenche Fredriksen, Accenture, Norway
18.20 Panel discussion and Q & A
18.40 Conclusion remarks by Moderator
18.50 Mingle and drinks
20.00 End of program


Moderator: Stefan Wijers


#NordicTalks is designed for sharing experiences, knowledge and inspiration from others to get new insights on how to move forward and reach important policy goals in your own environment.


Photo credit: Hanne Hansen. View all of the photos on the #NordicTalks website!

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Dear friends,

It was the genuine pleasure of Inter IKEA Systems B.V. and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce to host a welcome reception in Delft for the new Ambassador of Sweden, H.E. Mrs. Annika Markovic, on Thursday, September 27. Invited were the members of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, Svenska Klubben, SWEA, Svensk-Nederländska Föreningen, Svenska Skolföreningen, Svenska Kyrkan Rotterdam, Svenska Golfklubben and Cornelis Vreeswijk Genootschap as well as Business Sweden, Visit Sweden and the Swedish Consuls.

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce also took this opportunity to appoint H.E. Ambassador of Sweden, Mrs. Annika Markovic as Honorary Chairwoman of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce.

On behalf of Inter IKEA Systems B.V. and the Swedish Chamber, we wish to welcome the new Ambassador and to thank everyone that joined us in Delft.

View the photos in the slideshow below!



17.00 Registration

18.00 Introductory remarks by Ehsan Turabaz, Manager International Sales, IKEA B.V., and Chairman of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce

Welcome by Jon Abrahamsson, Managing Director, Inter IKEA Systems B.V.

Welcome to the Ambassador on behalf of the Swedish organizations in the Netherlands

Address by H.E. Ambassador Annika Markovic

Network Reception

20.00 End of event


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Thank you to everyone who attended the annual Swedish Crayfish Party in Amsterdam!

We kicked off the autumn season with our festive Annual Crayfish Party on September 15, together with the Young Professionals, Svenska Klubben and SWEA for an evening of traditional Swedish festivities.

The crayfish season is one of the most popular cultural celebrations in Sweden. On September 15, we welcomed everyone to Roei- en Zeilvereniging De Amstel in Amsterdam to celebrate the end of summer with us.

The evening was gracefully lead by Ceremony Master, Aron Vrieler and Toastmaster, Gillis Danielsen. After a welcome drink on the beautiful terrace overlooking the Amstel River, a three-course crayfish menu was served. For dessert, we enjoyed coffee and Swedish Dajmtårta! When the hats and bibs were off, the tables and chairs were swept away, and the party continued at the dancefloor together with DJ Percy.

We would like to especially thank all of our sponsors for making this a magical evening!


Sponsored by:

View the photos from the event in the slideshow below! Photos by: Jenny Drost.

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The Swedish Chamber of Commerce exclusive Business Woman Program 2018 presents four seminars for the empowering and support of woman business leaders. The seminars are designed to increase and sharpen your leadership skills and to help yourself to a higher level of efficiency, awareness, and success. Moderator is Malin Hedlund, MH Leadership. We welcome the women from the Swedish Chamber, Young Professionals of the Swedish Chamber with a focus to expand leadership communication and strengthen the skills to communicate with others. You can follow any number of seminars you prefer.


Yesterday it was finally time for the third Business Women Program session with Malin Hedlund at Epicenter. It was great to see so many business women from both Swedish and Dutch companies coming together for an evening filled with inspiration and to exchange experiences. Together with Malin, we discussed leadership and  the roles of young women in business. Malin also shared her rules of engagement which included her takes on participation, attitude, energy, having fun and implementation. Malin also gave us food for thoughts on the questions “Are you maximizing your time in meetings? Or do you tend to run meetings simply by routine, without taking the time to really prepare or think about the best outcome? She gave tips and tools for how to lead inspiring meetings that make others feel excited about taking action when the meeting is over.

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce would like to thank Malin Hedlund, MH Leadership and all participants for making the Business Women Program to a great success.

If you missed this session, the fourth Business Women Program session will take place on November 15! Stay tuned for more information.

View the photos from yesterday’s session in the slideshow below.



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The Swedish Chamber of Commerce’s study trip to Stockholm –  A 48-hour program to get to know more about the dynamic Startup echo system and how the city’s entrepreneurial culture has nourished numerous successful global companies was a great success and offered many new business contacts.


We were very pleased to present a fully packed program starting with a welcome to the Royal Dutch Embassy in Stockholm a with presentations by the H.E. Ambassador Ines Copoolse and Wilco Schuttelaar, officer for Innovation Technology & Science Holland Innovation Network about the Startup Scene in Stockholm and Sweden followed by Ariane  Bucquet Pousette from Start-ups Invest Stockholm who talked about Stockholm the Unicorn Factory.  Following the presentations, lunch was served at Gondolen in Stockholm where the incoming Ambassador of Sweden Mrs. Annika Markovic joined the delegation and for a first Meet and Greet. visits, networking, participation at World Trade Day by Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, Meetup with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Stockholm. In the afternoon the delegation participated in Stockholm Chamber of Commerce World Trade Day conference led by Dr. Andreas Hatzigeorgiuo Chief Economist and incoming CEO Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. The program offered many inspirational presentations and panel discussions on internationalization and boosting Sweden’s competitive edge on the global market. Day one ended with a company presentation by Magnus Myrenberg, partner Pinq Mango Capital Partners at their office in central Stockholm before having network drinks and mingle together with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce.


Day 2 Wilko Klaassen General Manager Klarna Netherlands, who had flown into Stockholm especially for us, welcomed us to Klarna and gave an inspiring presentation about their fantastic business development and growth and how they are building on customer satisfaction at all levels of their services. A quick walk through the streets of Stockholm brought us to Norrsken an ecosystem consisting of Norrsken House, a coworking space for impact entrepreneurs, and seed fund Norrsken Founders Fund which invests in companies with the potential to radically improve the world, where Thom Feeney was waiting for us. He took us on a tour of their inspiring and innovative office premises and gave a presentation about their impressive strategy and target that the next Swedish unicorn should be a unicorn with impact.  With this impressive message still in mind, we continued to the amazing Fotografiska where John Dekker CTO Fotografiska took us on a tour and presented who Fotografiska is working with content on social media to attract attention for their innovative and culture activities from Stockholm to London and New York. We finished our day with a great lunch and with the rest of the Friday afternoon to stroll along to view the great exhibitions and views from Fotografiska. We left Stockholm after 48 days with lots of new impressions, ideas, business opportunities, and friends and we are already looking forward to next years 48 hours!


The Swedish Chamber of Commerce would like to thank all hosting organizations and companies and the participants of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Study Trip to Stockholm 2018 for making it to a great success.


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Photo Credits cover photo: Simon Paulin/

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On June 14, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands, Norwegian Dutch Chamber of Commerce, Danish Dutch Business Club and Finnish Dutch Chamber of Commerce organized an exciting company visit to Flokk’s innovative Design Center in Rotterdam in the presence of the Norwegian Ambassador, Martin Sørby.


David Coenen, Country Manager Flokk Nederland, welcomed all guests and presented the works of Flokk, the European leading manufacturer of high quality working place furniture and owner of the brands HÅG, RH, RBM, BMA, Malmstolen and Offecct. Julian Wolse, partner of OTH architects and the leading architect in creating the Flokk Design Center, gave a very inspiring presentation about the transformation of the historic building into a vibrant showroom in the architectonic hotspot of Rotterdam. After the presentations, there were room to explore the Flokk Design Center and plenty of time for all members of the different Nordic Chambers and Business Club to network while enjoying delicious snacks and drinks. Thank you to all participants for making this event a great success, and thank you Flokk for the generous hosting and sharing your fantastic concept with us!


Photo Credits: Flokk


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