Annual Member Surveys 2021
Only by listening to our Members, we can improve and support your needs and requirements. Therefore, we would kindly ask you to take a moment of your time to answer our Annual Surveys to help us improve and develop the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and Young Professionals in the best possible way!
For the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, .
For Young Professionals, .
We are very grateful for your feedback, thank you!
Scholarships provide valuable international experience
Increased knowledge of international business, project management skills and an increased network - these are some of the valuable experiences one could gain during a year at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce.
The Gothenburg School of Business, Economics and Law Scholarship Foundation has decided on a new scholarship program for internships at the Swedish Chambers of Commerce in Washington, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sao Paulo and Amsterdam.
There are already scholarships for internships at the Swedish Chambers of Commerce in London and San Francisco with funding from Sten A Olsson's Foundation for Research and Culture and two scholarships in London with funding from the Elof Hansson Foundation and the Gull & Stellan Ljungberg Foundation. There is also a scholarship for an internship at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Washington funded by the Gothenburg Merchants' Association. With the new scholarship program, a total of ten scholarships are offered for internships at the Swedish Chambers of Commerce. The scholarships can primarily be applied for by program students.
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands is very proud and grateful for the collaboration and to offer young students the ability to gain international business experience at the office in Amsterdam.
To read the full article,
To read more about the Swedish Chamber's available scholarships and applications,
Reasons why you should join the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands
Two of the many reasons why you should join the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands.
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands is a dynamic Swedish-Dutch business platform, extending commercial relations between Sweden and the Netherlands and creating first-class business services. We are a nonprofit organisation with more than 60 years of experience, helping entrepreneurs and corporations of all sizes to establish, grow and develop their businesses.
Welcome to join! To read more,
Breathe for Selva by Zumflow on December 13
On Monday, December 13, will host BREATHE, a Thought Awakening Leadership & Charity Event. At this event, you will be inspired to reflect on business topics to engage your employees and customers for a positive impact.
BREATHE will be featured by four speakers to deliver cutting-edge business insights on today’s most pressing issues, in a room of leaders like you, so you can connect and build through their interactive sessions.
For more information,
Annual Member Surveys 2021 out now!
The Annual Member Surveys for The Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands and Young Professionals are out now! We very much appreciate your feedback and ideas and kindly ask you to take a moment to fill in the Surveys.
For the Swedish Chamber of Commerce,
For Young Professionals,
Thank you!
Apply for a Scholarship at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce 2022-2023
“My expectations before I came to Amsterdam were to stimulate the Trade and Business relations between the Netherlands and Sweden. So far, I think I have exceeded my expectations and have added value to our members of the Swedish Chamber, but meanwhile, I have developed my professional skills as well.”
Stefan de Goede, Scholarship Fund for Swedish Youth Abroad 2021-2022, is spending one year at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce. Stefan is very grateful that the Scholarship Fund for Swedish Youth Abroad has given him this opportunity and would highly recommend anyone interested to apply for a Scholarship at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands for 2022-2023!
For more information about Scholarships at the Swedish Chamber, .
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Welcome to join the online event, Lighting of the Swedish Christmas Tree
On December 9, 2021, Embassy of Sweden, Visit Sweden, Buurtschap Centrum 2005, Business Association “Denneweg” and Museum Escher in Het Paleis cordially invite you to join the online event Lighting of the Swedish Christmas Tree & Lucia celebration 2021.
“Since 1957, the Swedish Embassy has donated a Swedish Christmas Tree to the city of The Hague and the people of The Netherlands as a token of our excellent and longlasting relations. We had looked forward to seeing you in person this year. Instead we will have an online ceremony where Mayor Jan van Zanen and Ambassador Johannes Oljelund together switch on the lights in the tree, followed by a Lucia concert and a piece of Swedish winter holiday inspiration.”
Watch the event live or afterward by clicking
Let’s celebrate the start of the Christmas Season!
Amsterdam Light Festival Canal Cruise by Stromma
Experience the highlights of ten years Amsterdam Light Festival!
From December 2, 2021 to January 23, 2022, the most special, inspiring and popular light artworks from the past nine editions will return to the Amsterdam canals. This anniversary edition is all about 'Celebrate Light'. An appropriate theme that offers a look back at ten years of light art and strengthens the bond with the city, residents and visitors. A total of twenty light artworks will be placed along the route. The most beautiful light artworks of the past decade with the city of Amsterdam as the canvas; Edition #10 will be one not to be missed.
Stromma offers a special cruise: an evening Canal Cruise through the festival area. Sail with them along the unique works of light art that are best visible from the water. As a Swe-Cham member, you will get a 25 % discount on an Amsterdam Canal Cruise ticket with the promotion code SCC60.
After you have chosen your date, fill in the code in the "promotion code field". For more information and to buy your ticket,