January 26, 2021 How far have we come with corporate gender diversity?

Tuesday 26 January 2021
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On January 26, 2021 The Swedish Chamber of Commerce was very pleased to welcome Marianne Hamilton to discuss her book Advice to my dear daughter, and gender diversity together with an expert panel Ruth de Jager Peter Møllgaard, R. Ruben Brunsveld Marianne Hamilton moderated by Viveka Andersson. Thanks also to our partner Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Sweden for the great collaboration.



Today gender diversity and inclusiveness are on top of the agenda for many governments and companies. Within the EU probably all. But what do we mean?  Is it about percentages? Or output? When are we satisfied? How do we measure?  What is on the agenda for the youth of today’s? Why are companies so slow in getting equality in place? Or are they not?


We were very pleased to welcome Marianne Hamilton for an interview with Swe-Cham Member Viveka Andersson and to invite to an interactive Panel discussion together with Marianne and our pannelists Ruth de Jager, Country Manager, Storytel, Ruben Brunsveld, Sr. Advisor at Enact Sustainable Strategies and Peter Møllgaard,  Dean at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics and Professor of Industrial Organization about how far have we come with corporate gender diversity and what still needs to be done?


Read the Key take aways from the Moderator:

“Key take away from the webinar, besides Marianne’s 46 pieces of advice, was that gender diversity and inclusion are complex questions that still cause lots of frustration, primarily as we lose out on so much competence and creativity that it would bring on. There is still a long way to go but by having a positive mindset we untapped some keys that will make a difference as the discussion revealed a number of concret:e examples and initiatives that have and will contribute to real change. We need to further elaborate the topic and look forward to doing that in the close future.“  Viveka Andersson 


Video recording of the webinar available on demand at events@swedishchamber.nl


Marianne was Atlas Copco’s Senior Vice President, Organizational Development and Management Resources for sixteen years. She has extensive board experience from sitting on multiple corporate boards. Her ground-breaking introduction at Atlas Copco of an internal global job market, where everyone was welcome to apply for open positions, led to a unique opportunity to improve the organisation and make its corporate culture even stronger. This internal job market concept has subsequently been copied by several world-leading companies.  Marianne has a strong faith in the individual. In her book Advice To My Dear Daughter, which was released in Dutch this year, she gives her own very personal advice to women aiming for top executive positions who want to grow professionally. Her thoughts and ideas provide pragmatic, down-to-earth guidance for women to take charge of their careers and thrive.



Advice to My Dear Daughter

Advice to My Dear Daughter is written for young women who have just started their business careers. The target group are strong, professional women who want to understand the corporate world. The utmost objective with the book is that more women will reach top management positions where they have the power to change things in accordance with their own values. To have more companies with diversity in their management teams and that are delivering sustainable profitable growth.

In the book the reader gets 46 pragmatic advice. The most basic is that the woman must put her mind on achieving results. She should not be egocentric but result orientated. She should move from “Did I do a great presentation?” to “What impact did my presentation have?”  The book is based on Hamilton’s own experiences. It focuses on what a woman can do, but also on how she can do it. It gives guidance on how to ‘read’ and manage a certain a certain situation, not on the obstacles.

Marianne Hamilton strongly believes in the power of the individual. The woman herself is the only one who really knows her potential. Her own judgement is much more important than the judgment of other people. “Yes, I did it!” is much more worth than “Excellent, my girl!” The 46 advice cover various situations from understanding the individual’s role in the organization, to the steering of a business, the vision, strategy, and company processes. The more a woman understands the better she can navigate and deliver results. The advice also guides the woman on how she can become a leader, but even more, how she can become the manager of a business.

In the book Hamilton stresses that, while pursuing a career, the woman must have a good life, which is not necessarily meaning having a balance. A professional life is typically a bumpy journey, the woman must be prepared and organize herself accordingly. Doing this, she can also have a welcoming home, a family, friends, and lots of fun.








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