On October 19, The Swedish Chamber of Commerce hosted Tech for Good which was the last webinar in our Tech Table series for this year.
In this webinar, experts were brought together to discuss the technologies of the future and tech as an enabler for good. How is tech tackling the fundamental challenges facing us within environmental and social impact? How can ideas and innovation behind ideal-driven technology and conscious investments be used to drive change? How will technologies shape the future and how will the industry, academia, and policymakers be able to solve the world’s problems together?
Quotes from speakers:
Marcel van der Kuil, Data Entrepreneur and co-founder, TechLabs Amsterdam
“If you could teach somebody today that could teach somebody else tomorrow, then the scaling starts”
Wouter Bakker, CEO, GoodUp
“Make it personally relevant, make it personally attractive, make people part of the movement instead of telling about the movement. My advice is to be sure about your sustainability focus, allow your employees to act upon your sustainability strategy and allow them to come up with ideas.”
Linus Wretblad, CEO and Innovation Advisor, IPScreener
“Most of the people are in oblivion. They don’t even know, because if you say have you checked your IP? They answer “Oh yes, we have an IP address, I have a homepage”, that’s the knowledge. That is the most dangerous part. We want to at least make them understand known incompetence because then they can ask questions.”
Andreea Moga, Co-Founder & Chapter Lead, Techlabs Rotterdam
“To have a digital and entrepreneurial mindset you have to have a finding mindset or how I like to call it, the growth mindset. The growth mindset is like you are learning from challenges, and your challenges are not blocking you and not draining you from actually going further.”
Rens Goudsmit, Moderator, Head of TK Tech & Attorney at law, TeekensKarstens advocaten notarissen
“New technologies and developments are leading to innovative, interesting and complex (legal) issues. So especially in this sector it is crucial to share best practices, insights, experiences and know how. I believe making connections is key in the Tech sector. This is exactly where the Tech Tables are meant for”.
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Tech Talent webinar is supported by TK Tech & Attorney at law, TeekensKarstens advocaten notarissen.
Tech for Good was organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands in partnership with:
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce’s for the Netherlands Tech Talent webinar is part of the series Tech Tables and invites Swedish Chamber Members and leading experts, exciting entrepreneurs and challengers alongside passionate change-makers to participate in the exciting discussions. How will technologies shape the future and what can we learn from each other? The Tech Tables 2021 will focus on four Themes: Tech Talent – Tech Finance/VC investment – Women in Tech – Tech for Good
On October 14, the Nordic Chambers in the Netherlands were pleased to present the Nordic Movie Event at Pathé Buitenhof, Den Haag.
The Danish movie Another Round was introduced by the Danish Ambassador H.E. Mr. Jarl Kåre Frijs-Madsen, before we all enjoyed watching the movie.
The event was a great opportunity to network together with the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands, The Danish Dutch Chamber of Commerce, the Finnish Dutch Chamber of Commerce, and the Norweigan Dutch Chamber of Commerce.
On October 14, 2021, The Swedish Chamber of Commerce was very pleased to, together with Mindler, host an inspiring session about Mental Health at the Workplace Post Covid-19. As restrictions are being lifted, employers are now challenged with a stressed and tired workforce on one hand and discovering new ways of working on the other.
We would like to extend a warm thank you to Timo Spijkers, Business Development Manager Mindler the Netherlands, and Johannes Hatem, Co-Founder of Mindler and Clinical Psychologist, that provided us with great insights about why mental health is so important and how mental health awareness can be created in a workforce. And of course, a warm thank you to all the guests that participated and made this session very interactive and inspiring!
On October 12, 2021, Inter IKEA Systems B.V. and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands had the great pleasure to invite the members of the Swedish Chamber and Young Professionals, Swedish Associations, Consuls, The Swedish Church, and representatives of Team Sweden in the Netherlands to a welcome reception for the new Ambassador of Sweden, H.E. Mr. Johannes Oljelund.
The Welcome New Ambassador Reception, hosted by Inter IKEA System in Delft together with the Swedish Associations in the Netherlands, has a long tradition dating back to the early years of 2000 and is a very much appreciated opportunity to Meet and Greet with the New Ambassador.
Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Time: 16 :00 – 18:00
Welcome by Jon Abrahamsson Ring, CEO Inter IKEA Group
Presentations – Swedish Organisations
Network Reception
End of Event
For more information please contact events@swedishchamber.nl
Thank you for attending
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce would like to extend a warm thank you to all the guests that participated in Welcoming the New Ambassador H.E. Mr. Johannes Oljelund and the Swedish Associations that presented their organizations.
We would also like to thank Inter IKEA Systems B.V. for hosting this Welcome New Ambassador Reception in Delft. And, of course, once again say Welcome to the Ambassador H.E. Mr. Johannes Oljelund.
On September 30, 2021, The Swedish Chamber of Commerce was very pleased to host its first Exclusive Chamber Luncheon for this year. In fact, due to the corona pandemic, this was the first Chamber Luncheon in 1,5 years. We were very honored to welcome Ambassador of Sweden H.E. Mr. Johannes Oljelund as our Honorary Guest to this Swedish Chamber Luncheon.
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce would like to extend a warm thank you to Martijn Hagens, CEO Vattenfall Netherlands, for his personal speech where he pointed out the complexity and urgency of the energy transition. We would also like to thank Bert Heikens, Of Counsel AKD advocaten & notarissen, for hosting the Chamber Luncheon and all members and guests who made this Chamber Luncheon to great success!
The Swedish Chamber Luncheons have a long history dating back over more than six decades. Traditionally, the Swedish Chamber Luncheons gather business people from across the Swedish-Dutch community together, offering excellent networking opportunities and meeting up with business leaders, entrepreneurs, politicians, and academics from both Sweden and the Netherlands sharing their experiences and insights.
Keynote Speaker: Martijn Hagens, CEO Vattenfall.
“The road to fossil-free”
Honorary Guest: the Ambassador of Sweden H.E. Mr. Johannes Oljelund
September 30, 2021
12.00 – 14.30
Amstel room
Apollolaan 138, 1077 BG Amsterdam
On September 23, The Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands was very pleased to host the webinar Insights to the Dutch Government’s Budget 2022 by KPMG Meijburg & Co. B.V.
In this webinar, the most significant budget news and implements by the Dutch Government for 2022 were discussed. The Swedish Chamber of Commerce would like to thank Jan Hollemans and Helena Portinga-van Burik, International Tax Managers at KPMG Meijburg & Co., for sharing their expertise.
We thank all participants for attending this informative webinar and we would also like to thank our partner, the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Sweden for joining us.
Some topics that were discussed during this seminar:
- Make it more attractive to grant share option rights as a remuneration for employees;
- Limitation of settlement of dividend withholding tax (Sofina – case);
- Simplification Research and Development deduction / innovation box;
- Measures regarding reversed hybrids;
- Bill regarding Mismatches in non-arm’s length transfer pricing;
- Amendment work-related costs rules (werkkostenregeling) as a result of Covid-19.
- Other Dutch/international tax developments.
In collaboration with:
This event is organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands in partnership with:
Prinsjesdag – Budget Day
Prinsjesdag, also known as Budget Day, is when the government announces its plans for the coming year which always occurs on the third Tuesday in September.
Presentation of the Business Climate Survey in the Netherlands
Venue: Swedish Ambassadors Residence in the Hague and via Zoom
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Time: 16.00 – 18.00
Hybrid from 16.15 – 17.15
On behalf of Team Sweden in the Netherlands, we are very pleased to invite you to the first presentation of the Business Climate Survey in the Netherlands 2021.
This year, the Business Climate Survey has been conducted in over 20 countries worldwide and we are pleased to present the Dutch report and share the views of leading Swedish company representatives in the Netherlands.
The Netherlands is Sweden’s seventh-largest export market and has historically been an important trading partner to Sweden, and continues to be so. How are the Swedish companies, participating in our survey, experiencing the Dutch business climate? The report and ensuing discussions will provide insights about the economic outlook, key facts about the Dutch market, and Swedish company performances in the Netherlands.
We would like to extend our most sincere thanks to you who have participated and contributed to this report, we now have valuable insights that we want to share with you.
Program Presentation Business Climate Survey the Netherlands
Registration and coffee
Welcome by the Ambassador of Sweden H.E. Mr. Johannes Oljelund
Openings remark by Mr. Krister Nilsson, State Secretary to Minister Foreign Trade and Nordic Affairs Anna Hallberg
Introduction of the Business Climate Survey Netherlands by Kerstin Gerlagh, Swedish Chamber
Presentation of the results by Benjamin Selvani, Swedish Chamber of Commerce
Panel discussion featuring:
Dick Bisschop, Managing Director Anticimex B.V.
Armanda Kusse, Country Manager Lime Technologies
Benno Dijkhuis, Managing Director Fagerhult B.V.
Moderator: Johan Uhlin, Managing Director Scania Production Zwolle B.V. and Vice Chairman of the
Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands.
Conclusions and final remarks by State Secretary Mr. Krister Nilsson.
End of Presentation and thank you by Mr. Johan Uhlin, Managing Director Scania Production Zwolle B.V. and Vice Chairman Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands.
End of Webinar
For guests at the live event
Networking & drinks
End of Event
This is a Hybrid event with the possibility to attend both physically or via zoom. The physical seats are fully booked and therefore we are now welcoming guests to participate via zoom.
Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation.
For you who will participate via zoom, a link will be sent to you prior to the event.
For any questions or inquiries, please contact the events department at events@swedishchamber.nl
Swe-Cham is continually monitoring government and health guidelines to protect our team and our guests. Along with the venue provider, we want to provide a safe environment. All guests must comply with government recommendations with regards to self-isolation and if you are feeling unwell or showing any symptoms, we kindly ask you to stay at home. Should the government guidelines demand new restrictions for live events we reserve the right to transfer the event to a virtual presentation which in that case will be communicated prior to the event. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with the Swedish Chamber of Commerce.
Thank you for attending!
On September 22, 2021, The launch of the Business Climate Survey in the Netherlands took place. A Team Sweden project, based upon the new unique partnership created by Business Sweden and Swedish Chambers International, the association of Swedish Chambers of Commerce abroad. In total, the Swedish Business Climate Survey was conducted by Team Sweden in 22 countries in 2021 and for the Netherlands, this was our first year. It will be conducted regularly also in the future to track and analyze changes over the years. The purpose of the Business Climate Report is to increase the understanding of Swedish companies’ performance in the Netherlands and deepen our appreciation of the opportunities and challenges that the Dutch market poses.
First of all, we would like to deeply apologize for the technical problems that occur during the event. Below you will find a recording of the presentation so you can listen to it again.
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce would like to extend a warm thank you to; Benjamin Selvani, Project Manager BCS, The Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands, for his presentation of the results from the Dutch report, the Ambassador of Sweden H.E. Mr. Johannes Oljelund for his welcome speech, Mr. Krister Nilsson, State Secretary to Minister Foreign Trade and Nordic Affairs Anna Hallberg, for his opening remarks, conclusions and final remarks, and to our Panelists; Moderator Johan Uhlin, Managing Director Scania Production Zwolle B.V. and Vice Chairman of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands., Dick Bisschop, Managing Director Anticimex B.V., Armanda Kusse, Country Manager Lime Technologies and Benno Dijkhuis, Managing Director Fagerhult B.V., for sharing their insight and reflections.
The Business Climate Survey 2021 in the Netherlands is now published on our webpage Business Climate Survey. Soon, a recording of the presentation will be available on this page as well.
Date: September 16, 2021
Time: 10.00 – 11.15
What are the possibilities and challenges for women tech entrepreneurs in this time of pandemic and a booming demand for tech solutions and a growing tech industry? What impact does it have on women tech entrepreneurs? How do we create diverse workplaces where women are free to fulfill their professional potential and have the equal access to resources, knowledge and networks as men?
Today, women are still challenged in their pursuit and progression within the tech sector. We understand the importance of gender equality and diversity, but how could you implement policies promoting it at your company? What is it about a company that makes it uninviting for women to apply? Why are tech women still under-represented at most companies? It doesn’t make any sense because obviously there is no difference in skills or competence. They’re out there, but how can you get them into your organization?
In this webinar we bring together experts and women leaders in the tech community for an inspiring session about diversity, inclusion, inspiration and disruption. Welcome to join!
Introduction remarks:
The Ambassador of Sweden H.E. Mr. Johannes Oljelund
Quotes from speakers:
Dr Cara Antoine, Managing Director Digital Transformation, IG&H | Global Women in Tech, The Netherlands
“Never underestimate the competence and ability of another. I think that the simple things and taking small action is important.”
Ariane Bucquet-Pousette, Project Manager Start-Ups Invest Stockholm
“We have a saying in Sweden called ¨we have a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other¨. I would say there is a special place in hell for men that doesn’t help women.”
Ruth de Jager, Country Manager Netherlands Storytel
“Never tell a girl she’s bossy but that she has management skills.”
Indra Sharma, Author, Investor
“If we don’t change we will continue to have a world build by men for men. I don’t want that. I think this should be the top priority for politicians as well and to make sure that entrepreneurship and diversity is the main target for the future development of Sweden and Europe.”
Rens Goudsmit, Moderator, Head of TK Tech & Attorney at law, TeekensKarstens advocaten notarissen
“New technologies and developments are leading to innovative, interesting and complex (legal) issues. So especially in this sector it is crucial to share best practices, insights, experiences and know how. I believe making connections is key in the Tech sector. This is exactly where the Tech Tables are meant for”.
Welcome by Kerstin Gerlagh, Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands
Introduction by Moderator Rens Goudsmit
Introduction remarks by Johannes Oljelund, Ambassador of Sweden
Presentation Cara Antoine
Presentation Ruth de Jager
Presentation Indra Sharma
Presentation Ariane Bucquet-Pousette
Q&A and Discussions
End Event Thank you by Moderator Rens Goudsmit and by Kerstin Gerlagh
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Tech Talent webinar is supported by TK
Women in Tech is organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands in partnership with:
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce’s for the Netherlands Tech Talent webinar is part of the series Tech Tables and invites Swedish Chamber Members and leading experts, exciting entrepreneurs and challengers alongside passionate change makers to participate in the exciting discussions. How will technologies shape the future and what can we learn from each other? The Tech Tables 2021 will focus on four Themes: Tech Talent – Tech Finance/VC investment – Women in Tech – Tech for Good
Upcoming Tech Table webinar by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands:
October 19, 2021 Tech for Good